Biography: Paul Mason (The World’s Fattest Man)

Paul Mason of Ipswitch, Suffolk, UK is officially the World’s Fattest Man. The title used to belong to Mexican Manuel Uribe, but while Manuel Uribe kept losing weight to get married, Paul Mason kept stuffing his face until his weight grew over that of Manuel Uribe. The doctors have the name for being a fat ass – “compulsive eating disorder”. I have my own name for it: “being a lazy and spoiled f$%k with too much money to waste”.
70 stone, super obese Brit Paul Mason requires care which costs British tax payers £100,000 a year. Stuffing one’s face is easy and excuses for it are at hand at any time. It takes a lot of self control and sacrifice to not eat each time there’s an opportunity, but unlike Paul Mason, I try. I’m about 40 pounds over what I would like to be but I could easily reach the level of Paul Mason and become the world’s fattest man myself if I decided that I was gonna be a whiny b!tch and blame it on a non-existent “compulsive eating disorder”.
Being lazy and spoiled is not an excuse. How do you think all those people who have not been blessed with well performing metabolism stay away from becoming the world’s fattest people? It’s not easy but we all try. Paul Mason doesn’t try because giving in is easier. We all have cravings and sometimes the cravings win. But Paul Mason has decided he was not going to fight them and this lead him to growing to the point of becoming the world’s fattest man.


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